7 Simple Steps to Success

Each New Year, the iCCS team begins with a "Day 1" open forum meeting. Today, we combined reviewing the project calendar with a "goals and growth" brainstorming session. In addition to our usual business agenda, we spent time discussing the following:



POWER IN - Know that you are in control of your emotions, how you respond and who/what you let control you... It is up to YOU!


EMBRACE CHANGE - Change is constant and ever-increasing these days.  Welcome positive changes, be flexible and increase your ability to identify and adapt to change.


CONTROL YOUR ATTITUDE - Lost luggage, traffic jams and other unexpected events are just a few of the things you can't control... But you CAN control your attitude.  Your attitude has a HUGE impact on your success.  Don't believe it?  Try shifting your attitude in just one area of your life and watch what happens... 


THE HAPPY "NO" - In our efforts to please others, we often say "Yes" to things we shouldn't.  We can't make everyone happy no matter how hard we try.  Be honest, gracious, kind and fair, but know that "No" is sometimes the best and only right answer.


RISK IS SMART - Just like change, risk is a part of life.  Also, realize that even making no decision IS a decision.  Research the pros and cons, calculate the risk and move forward confidently in your decision with a reasoned and informed approach.


ABOVE ALL, ACT - Even a great idea that is not acted upon is simply that - an idea.  Success requires putting feet to your thoughts and dreams, in conjunction with the other 6 elements above.


Happy first business day of a dynamite 2014! 

Deb and the team